Friday, October 27, 2006

Exhibition Style Paper OUTLINE

EQ- If we continue the way we live now, will the world be sustainable for humans for our future family?

THESIS-We can change the direction of our world if if we make big changes in our lifestyle.

1-World hunger is already a huge issue in our world and in years to come it can only get worse, if we change the portions some people eat in countries like the US, and we give more to places where starvation is an issue, less and less people would die of starvation each year.
2-Global warming is also a very serious issue yet can also be solved by simple things done per capita, if people learned to conserve energy/save power or even if we could find a new source or energy, if hybrid cars were owned by more people or even used more mass transportaion we could slow down global warming by a lot
3-If business would lower their budgets then less of the forest and nature would be harmed in the process and the pollution in the air of trucks and machinery affecting global warming.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

What is the Proper relationship between humanity and the rest of the planet

in class i said pages or words to a book beacuse i think that we make what happens to the world, and we are part of the world. So what we do kind of makes the story of our earth.

I also think that freind to freind is a good metaphor of what us to the earth should be beacuse the earth gives us everyhing and we take advantage. So we need to give back to the earth as two freinds would do. They treat eachother the same and when they give we give back.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


i don't pay for my energy bill so i guess i don't really know how many kwh's but im sure it's a lot. My family tends to leave the lights on all the time, i leave the radio on all the time and the computer. But we try to stop and my mom keeps all the kitchen appliances un-plugged until she uses them, it conserves some energy.

"PowerDown" Precis

Energy conservation is rapidly becoming a bigger problem as time passes. This chapter is about our energy conservation, our worlds decline in oil, and alternative energy sources that will soon be needed in our world.Slowly but surely we will run out of oil and our worlds oil peak is nearing.