Tuesday, November 21, 2006

third draft esp!

EQ- If we continue to live the way we do now will Global Warming make the world unsustainable for humans?

THESIS-Yes, it will make it unsustainable for humans, but as a world we can stop global warming.

INTRO- Today Global Warming is affecting our world in a big way, and people are starting to recognize it more and more. This issue is affecting how long we all live on earth, and people continue to wonder if we can stop it or not. I do believe that we can stop global warming there are some things that would be an easy change in our lifestyle and some things that might be more difficult, However it is certainly possible to stop this phenomenon, the only question is if people will particitpate and make it happen.

A-Mass transit numbers are on a constant rise, Car pooling
B-Global warming is also a very serious issue yet can also be solved by simple things done per capita, if people learned to conserve energy/save power or even if we could find a new source or energy, if hybrid cars were owned by more people or even used more mass transportaion we could slow down global warming by a lot
C-If business would lower their budgets then less of the forest and nature would be harmed in the process and the pollution in the air of trucks and machinery affecting global warming
D-(posssible) .The world oil consumption dropped slightly in the 1970s and then again a little more in the 1980s since then it has only increased.However if we have been able to bring the consumption down before, even if un-intentional, why can't we do it now? With all the technology we have niike hybrid/electric cars, solar and wind power we could.
-The world will become unsustainable our current population is over 6.6 billion people, that means more and more pollution produced by each person more energy wasted and more oil consumed.

-Because human population is on a constant rise, and we have reached about 6.6Billion people on our earth, there is a need for transportation for them. However recently mass transit numbers have risen and so have car sharing/pooling numbers.
-Before industrial civilization boomed in our world, air pollution and global warming wasn't an issue.
-Also before the industrial civilization we never needed more space to make factories and buildings, or tractors and trucks.
-explains it self for past...

-We have already done so much damage to the earth there is no way that we can save it
-A few people driving hybrid cars won’t make a difference



1 comment:

AniK said...

i agree, our arguments are very similar and maybe tomorrow, we can proofread each others papers and try to work together (since we were in the same debate group arguing mostly the same points, it will be easier).